Learning Collaborative for TRAIN
Want a friendly place to share challenges, successes, templates and QI strategies with your workforce/training development Retgion 1 New England TRAIN-user peers?

Course Information
- Audience: HD TRAIN users, course providers that work closely with HD for WFD
- Format: Cohort on Zoom
- Date/Time: Kickoff November 28, 2023, 10:00-10:55am, further dates TBD by group
- Price: Free
- Length: 60 minutes on Zoom with the option of additional time for those who want to go deeper into a topic area
- Credential(s) eligible for contact hours: None
- Competencies: Management and Finance Skills, Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills
- Learning Level: Performance
- Prerequisites: Role using TRAIN for WFD and/or for HD goals
- Supplemental Materials: Resources from each session will be shared inside this course page.
This course is available to New England Region 1 health department (HD) workforce development (WFD) staff and partners supporting HD WFD goals. If you have not been invited but would like to join, email Karla Todd Barrett, NEPTHC Program Manager, toddks@bu.edu
This learning collaborative is intended to be a low pressure group that shares challenges, successes and practical tips and strategies for working with TRAIN in a health department. Participants will prioritize topics, and course organizers will work with participants and workforce development networks to identify “expert-practitioners” who can share their best practices.
Learning Objectives
- Identify marketing roles and synergies for HD WFD staff and for course providers
- Discuss how TRAIN courses can be marketed across programs/externally
- Analyze marketing challenges associated with TRAIN and continuing education programs
- Describe two potential process improvements in TRAIN marketing
Instructors / Subject Matter Experts
Rachael Sardinha
Co-Facilitator Collaborative Host Team
Kathi Traugh
Co-Facilitator Collaborative Host Team
Karla Todd Barrett
Co-Facilitator Collaborative Host Team
Rachael Sardinha has been working in the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) Academic Institute since 2019. She is the Public Health and Healthcare Workforce Development Lead, through which she manages and provides support to multiple training and adult education programs. Rachael also serves as the Rhode Island TRAIN Administrator and is a board member for the RIDOH Institutional Review Board (IRB). She received her undergraduate degree in Kinesiology from the University of Rhode Island in 2019 and will have received her Master’s in Public Health from the New England Institute of Technology by October 2023.
Kathi Traugh, MPH, has worked in public health continuing education at the Office of Public Health Practice in the Yale School of Public Health for over 20 years. Now semi-retired from her position as Director of Public Health Workforce Development and Distance Learning, her career focus has been on designing and implementing continuing education programs for public health practitioners, providing technical assistance to public health agencies on workforce development and supporting use of technology for professional development. Traugh has worked on the New England Public Health Training Center and the Yale Center for Public Health Preparedness grants, as well as many professional development and capacity building programs with the CT Department of Public Health and local health departments. She is a past chair of the Association of Schools and Programs in Public Health (ASPPH) Continuing Education Council and a past-president of the Connecticut Public Health Association.
Karla Todd Barrett is the Senior Program Manager and Training Specialist at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH). She manages overall operations and partnerships for HRSA-funded New England Public Health Training Center (NEPHTC), including training development, data analysis, reporting and governance. Ms. Todd Barrett has authored or presented about NEPHTC training innovations for the public health workforce at NACCHO, APHA, NNPHI, SOPHE and NACCHO Emergency Preparedness. In the past year, NEPHTC reached over 60,000 participants, through 500+ trainings, in collaboration with health departments, associations, and other academic institutions, reaching a diverse public health professional workforce
Select the Enroll Me button below to register for this course. If you have any trouble accessing content, contact support@nephtc.org.
Acknowledgement: This project is/was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number UB6HP31685 “Regional Public Health Training Center Program.” This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.